今日のアメリカの話題は?【#57】(2025・1・23)/ Current US Topics (1/23/25)
…齢】 ●大統領 ドナルド・トランプ(78) (45th & 47th President of the United States) 【閣僚…
25/1/23木13:36パスタは絶対「マ・マー」1.4mmの風ぐるま形状の麺に限る…資産1億8000万円の個人投資家がこだわる納得の理由 …
…円の個人投資家がこだわる納得の理由 2025/01/23 10:16 PRESIDENT Online 掲載 投資に必要な「種銭」をどのよう…
…を持たない」 Now that @realDonaldTrump's president again, the media is back …2025/01/23 12:45 http://totalnewsjp.com/2025/01/23/trump-3078/
…私が大統領になったことで、中国は6000億ドル以上の関税を支払った。 PRESIDENT TRUM2025/01/23 11:45 http://totalnewsjp.com/2025/01/23/trump-3077/
…て就任第一日目にして100個もの大統領令を切るトランプ米大統領(US President Donald Trump talks to rep…2025/01/23 10:31 http://fogofwar.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-392.html
JFK ファイルは本日(米国)午後 3 時早々に公開される予定
XユーザーのTRUMP ARMYさん: 「 JUST IN : President Trump is going to declassif…
…鐘「パンを食べると脳の神経伝達物質を阻害、記憶曖昧・情緒不安定化」 (PRESIDENT)小麦と牛乳で腸はボロボロに 「毎日、朝はパンを食べ…2025/01/23 08:00 https://ameblo.jp/natsumi-no-oheya/entry-12883019064.html
トランプ氏と孫正義氏が発表 AIインフラに78兆円投資
…発表 AIインフラに78兆円投資MASAYOSHI SON:“Mr. President, last month I came to cel…2025/01/23 06:00 https://cyberbizkiz.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-20941.html
Huntingdon College announces $1 million gift for rural teacher program…
…rt a rural teacher program. Today, President Anthony Leigh announced t…
Until the Divided States of Trump make America regret again 【英日併記記事】
…Donald Trump came back as the 47th president of the United States of A…2025/01/23 02:00 http://muranoserena.blog91.fc2.com/blog-entry-10546.html
Trump open to Elon Musk or Larry Ellison buying TikTok
President Donald Trump has said he would be open to Tesla CEO Elon Mus…2025/01/23 00:01 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1923130
ななめで落ちそう & 色々ネタ
…anuary 19, 2025 Did any of you see President Trump, the First Lady, Vi…2025/01/22 23:13 https://ameblo.jp/niyako0220/entry-12883493204.html
…seBy the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and t…2025/01/22 21:26 https://ameblo.jp/miraihamassugumiteruyo/entry-12883480199.html
…画像> (出典 img.news.goo.ne.jp) (出典 president.ismcdn.jp) (出典 img.news.g…2025/01/22 18:40 https://kannobun.livedoor.blog/archives/8562252.html
…e By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and t…2025/01/22 17:42 https://ameblo.jp/miraihamassugumiteruyo/entry-12883453273.html
Trump returns to presidency
… returned to presidency ?yesterday.President Trump ?begun his promised…
トランプ大統領が内閣代行と閣僚級の役職を発表 President Trump Announces Acting Cabinet and C…2025/01/22 16:27 https://ameblo.jp/miraihamassugumiteruyo/entry-12883444487.html
…T INVASION ? The White HouseBY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF A…2025/01/22 15:22 https://ameblo.jp/miraihamassugumiteruyo/entry-12883437010.html
トランプ大統領、スピーチを遮ろうとする左派記者に「邪魔をするな 、話を聞きなさい」(動画)
…プが帰ってきた!「話を聞きなさい。邪魔をするな 」 JUST IN: President Trump shuts down a report…2025/01/22 15:00 http://totalnewsjp.com/2025/01/22/trump-3074/
…en-era social media ‘censorship'US President Donald Trump has signed a…