【動画】ロシア軍「謎のヘンテコ戦車部隊」をハルキウ方面に集中投入 しかしウクライナ軍の猛攻撃を受け撃退wwww
…08/16(金) 20:22:51.21 ID:PZvALy+u96 russian 'turtle' tanks and their fa…2024/08/17 01:30 https://crx7601.com/archives/61728546.html
…s Vulnerable: Western Policy Masks Russian Weakness https://www.unders…2024/08/16 21:10 https://katasumisokuhou.blog.jp/archives/37766285.html
…ur Country are More Dangerous Than Russian & China pic.twitter.com/9w
…o "dislodge" Ukrainian troops from Russian territory as over 120,000 f…2024/08/13 17:00 http://galapagosjapan.jp/blog-entry-9724.html
…レ主 ロシア軍がザポリツィア原発で火災を起こしたとウクライナが発表。 Russian forces start fire at Zapori…2024/08/12 17:00 http://galapagosjapan.jp/blog-entry-9720.html
…rainian troops are fighting inside Russian territory ? CNN
…rainian troops are fighting inside Russian territory CNN Ukrainian tro…2024/08/12 09:25 http://the-rooms.work/?p=196899
"Trump" should expose "Harris's dark history". It should be made known…
…his is even more amazing than the "Russian assassination incident"#The…
…ns are on all the 300 m tall hills Russian convoys have to travel into…2024/08/11 00:14 http://workingnews117.com/blog-entry-19305.html
…ya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian 7.78% 3rd 負けヒロインが多すぎる!Too M…2024/08/10 17:11 https://animereact.hatenablog.com/entry/2024/08/10/171101
Russia and Venezuela have blocked encrypted messaging app Signal
…app Signal, The Verge reports. The Russian news service Interfax broke…2024/08/10 07:14 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1874726
ロシアのテレビ局、ウクライナ軍との衝突地クルスク地方へ向かうロシア軍輸送車両の正確な位置を生中継して教えてくれる… しかもソビエト連邦時代に…
… better ally than an idiot enemy A Russian TV channel presenter litera…2024/08/09 21:52 https://anonymous-post.mobi/archives/49264
Putin accuses Ukraine of 'provocation' amid alleged border incursion ?…
…ues into second day The Guardian A Russian governor urges people to gi…2024/08/07 21:46 http://the-rooms.work/?p=196785
European Prefix Hunter
●QRZ.COM JH1BCS◆RUSSIAN CW CLUB◆ ◆European Prefix Hunter◆EUPXH-200 #26…2024/08/07 19:56 https://jh1bcs-award.blog.jp/archives/26408301.html
Это реально работает?!
…を紹介します。国別、カテゴリ別のランキングをご覧になれます。 ロシア(Russian Federation)で一番人気の動画『Это реа…
…oal is to promote dialogue between Russian and international intellect…2024/08/05 16:05 https://tenrabansyou.net/common-strategic-vision/
…ya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian 8.15% 2nd 【推しの子】2期Oshi no K…2024/08/03 17:33 https://animereact.hatenablog.com/entry/2024/08/03/173305
…本人も)が大迷惑で仕方ないから、日本人もアジア各国で協力せんと。 A Russian woman was arrested in #Phuk…2024/08/03 11:39 http://blog.livedoor.jp/etravel/archives/58563482.html
ロシアンアヴァンギャルド(Russian Avant-garde)は、20世紀初頭にロシアで起こった美術運動で、革新的な芸術作品が多く生まれ…2024/08/01 06:00 https://s8604.doorblog.jp/archives/61688033.html
…oal is to promote dialogue between Russian and international intellect…
Ohooi "Ukrainian Conflict" "Super Summary" After the collapse of the S…
…ict between "pro-Western" and "pro-Russian" factions deepened in Ukrai…