【悲報】ホライゾンのプロデューサー「アーロイをスマブラ に加えたい」
…illa Games lead producer says they would like to see Aloy from 'HORIZO…2024/06/16 12:00 https://ysokuhou.blog.jp/archives/93162849.html
…sentEvery town has a history, so I would like to research the past and…
…用元:What type of person or creature would live in this house?2024/06/15 16:46 https://minecraft-news.jp/super-colorful-fantasy-house-build/
動画:私たち(地球外の存在)は 核兵器のミサイルの発射コードを撹乱し消去する能力を持っています
地球規模の熱核兵器戦争は許可され得ません(バシャール) You would not be allowed to launch a glob…2024/06/15 11:11 https://ameblo.jp/i-am-a-child-of-creation/entry-12856257467.html
【英会話48】first thing のもうひとつの気持ち
…ワンフレーズ 今回は、英語で丁寧さはどうやって表現するかについて。 ?wouldやcouldなどの助動詞を足す。?時制を過去にする。?語数を…2024/06/15 09:08 https://ameblo.jp/kyoto-mum/entry-12856063611.html
秋密001 御母秋密: いかすみ柳 2024/06/14作
…ublic of Korea ????Yokota-san, you would come back to Japan.秋密001御母秋蜜 …2024/06/15 00:00 http://akinokori.sblo.jp/article/190939038.html
オサンポ walk - 植物plant : "植物採集" イラクサ系? a kind of nettle?
…t looks like Japanese basil but it would be Boehmeria japanica?? *not …
If Clearview AI scanned your face, you may get equity in the company
…ther than paying cash, the company would provide a 23 percent stake in…2024/06/14 21:00 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1859315
bike tire replacement ~Make your tire logo stand out with tire markers…
…Pitch black tires have no taste. I would like to make the logo stand o…2024/06/14 17:00 https://kin-to.com/markereng/
Lawmakers pre-file bill that would allow Attorney General or Governor …
…lawmakers have written a bill that would authorize the Attorney Genera…
【朗報】ホライゾンのプロデューサー「アーロイをスマブラ に加えたい」
…illa Games lead producer says they would like to see Aloy from ‘HORIZO…2024/06/14 12:00 https://ningame-news.com/?p=15873
… thing on Friday.金曜の朝イチに会おう。 会話例?A:Would you like to join the morning …2024/06/14 09:51 https://ameblo.jp/kyoto-mum/entry-12856063603.html
…'t think anyone in Okinawa would know that.?Even though I&…
夏熟030 赤狩り・マッカーシー旋風(マッカーシー地、中堂寺地):いかすみ柳 2024/06/13作
…ublic of Korea ????Yokota-san, you would come back to Japan.夏熟030 赤狩り・…2024/06/13 18:16 http://akinokori.sblo.jp/article/190937505.html
コンピュータ、ソフトがなければただの箱 [今日の英作文]
… were not for software, a computer would be a mere box. // できましたか? 今日の…2024/06/13 15:56 https://englishluke.com/entry/2024/06/13/155614?utm_source=feed
今日のエイブラハム 最高の職業
…ら書いています。 A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those …2024/06/13 12:12 https://ameblo.jp/better39/entry-12855935387.html
東仙坊のショート・エッセイ 「6・5・4・3のダブルプレー」 〈4〉
…ts or the other is eaten, and this would never change(地球上に生命誕生以来、生き物同士…2024/06/13 10:00 http://tohsenboh.jp/blog-entry-6051.html
…re's a crowd of onlookersI would see if that person will come …
空を見上げる No.26 Looking up in the sky
風が雲の形を作る…? The wind would make patterns of cloud...? *not sure Englis…
beside と aside
… が besides になると、、また意味が変わってきて、 What would you like for dinner besides p…2024/06/11 18:02 https://ameblo.jp/la-guardia/entry-12854219181.html