…な口調で声を上げて、「WHY?!?!?!」Whyと言われても…。私「…Because it's cold?」イギリスから来たら、まだ夏のイキ…2024/11/10 15:00 https://ameblo.jp/yums-ta/entry-12874498179.html
インドと砂糖の歴史 +オマケレシピ:インド流早漏改善ドリンク
…eet delicacies in winters. This is because Sesame seeds are packed wit…2024/11/10 06:30 https://saritsugomori.blog.jp/archives/7197437.html
….ore...8SEIKO..jpophimuroI hug you because life is a one-time thing ..…2024/11/09 17:15 https://ameblo.jp/koizukiyo11/entry-12671300968.html
The Law and Grace of God in His Economy
…ht now we are in the age of grace, because God in Christ has come to u…
…s not so popular in Japan recentle because young people tend not to dr…
…eone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a lo…2024/11/08 13:50 https://ameblo.jp/krds0318/entry-12681869498.html
【NBA】災難が続くPHI 開幕からチームを支えてきたタイリース・マキシーがハムストリングの負傷で2週間ほど離脱
…expected to miss a couple of weeks because of a right hamstring injury…2024/11/08 12:00 http://nbama.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-10462.html
どういう訳か? 転送がうまくいきました Gメール No4950
…5.7.26 Your email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticat…2024/11/08 06:30 https://koyazi.blog.jp/archives/35501865.html
because100万回再生嬉しいねぇ?#timelesz 「because」??100万回再生??????????「because」のMu…2024/11/07 20:04 http://michiru7211.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1743.html
…ep taking jobs that you don't like because you think it will look good…2024/11/07 13:50 https://ameblo.jp/krds0318/entry-12687693244.html
…Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump because blacks and Latinos are sexi…2024/11/07 12:00 http://totalnewsjp.com/2024/11/07/trump-2833/
Stardew Valley now has a secret multiplayer mode on mobile
…rnedApe says it's currently secret because of its experimental nature,…2024/11/07 00:09 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1901836
Are you sane, or not? (正気かい?)
… visited him and talked to him ? ? Because he is one of the pure Osaka…
【悲報】Microsoft「消費者が誰もCopilotの意味を知らない。Windows Intelligenceに改名する」
…ctionality-as-windows-intelligence-because-copilot-is-not-poofing/ 2: …2024/11/06 22:01 http://www.jisaka.com/archives/45905964.html
…permission… I'm having a hard time because it's not easy for2024/11/06 14:06 https://marutoo.com/refrigerator-2/
…derful that an idiot can run them. Because sooner or later, one will. …2024/11/06 13:50 https://ameblo.jp/krds0318/entry-12683013401.html
twice mina jealous because sana only give it to momo ft. Sana getting …
BBC: Because Belarusian territory was used, I replied.
To everyone in the world's media I will provide the missing materials…
Pets of the Week: November 4
…s technically a senior citizen dog because of her age, but she doesn't…2024/11/06 02:35 https://www.waka.com/2024/11/05/pets-of-the-week-november-4/
【アンケート】Cole vs Big 3
…0M 投票結果を見るPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in y…2024/11/05 21:42 http://mlb-info.com/post-12933/