庭の柿とハッサク。柿は今が旬、ハッサクはこれから。two main fruits we harvest from our garden: p…
…。Our persimmons are sweet. They're small2024/11/03 17:32 https://orientservice.blogspot.com/2024/11/gardenfruit.html
…Trump leading in Pennsylvania by a small margin, winning in Michigan, …2024/11/03 16:02 http://totalnewsjp.com/2024/11/03/trump-2802/
…en are hanging like bells. They're small, but very sweet.
昨年は不作でしたが今年は頑張りました柿はよく成る年とダメな年が交互に来ます。鳥たちも朝からいっぱい集まってちゅんちゅん柿を突いています。う…2024/11/03 13:38 https://arutsukiyono.blogspot.com/2024/11/persimmons.html
【経営ヒント 見逃し配信】 2024.10.28-2024.11.3
…内幸次 https://www.spram.jp Certified Small and Medium Enterprise Managem…
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New Apple repair program will fix iPhone 14 Plus' rear camera issue fo…
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ショールに飽きて お買い物
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心温まる時間。 はじめまして…
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MET exon 14 skipping変異の特徴
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CADENHEAD SMALL BATCH PULTENEY 1990-2013 23y Specially Bottled for Cam…
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…よ・・・ I finally found the name of a small bird that comes to my garden …2024/10/30 16:39 https://boholtg.blogspot.com/2024/10/blog-post_87.html