空を見上げる No.20 Looking up in the sky
夕陽の逃げ足は、速い。 Evening sun is running away soon! *not sure English...
The Morning After: Apple's new iPad Pro is thinner than an old iPod na…
…elerated mesh shading ? so, better-looking games and faster graphic pr…2024/05/08 20:15 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1848554
撮影日は12月〇〇日だ! そして結弦君はビジネス・金融トレンド!
…GQ JAPANさんのメイキング動画のこの↓結弦君を思い出したんだけどLooking at this poster yesterday,Sa…2024/05/08 08:35 https://ameblo.jp/jicecdnsarah/entry-12851355735.html
Electricity Maps calculates the carbon intensity of electricity consum…
…ve already spent quite a few hours looking at Electricity Maps and its…2024/05/07 15:30 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1848081