Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

10 ひとり帰国日記/充実した一日 中編(Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.10 /A Super Productive Day 2/3)

2024-04-21 15:47:07 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hi there!




How are you doing today? 




Here in MN, I was saying, "It's really nice out and warm enough to walk outside just in T-shirt!" but we got some snow from last Friday and returned to the winter scenery again. (Dang!) 




My friends were saying, "I just washed all the winter jackets a couple of days ago!!" and seemed tired of being swayed by this MN seasonal roller coaster. LOL




Though we were walking in a winter jacket, hat and gloves in the morning yesterday, today is back to spring warm enough to be fine just in T-shirt again. Haha. 




8 ひとり帰国日記/初びっくりドンキー (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.8 /Family Dinner @ Bikkuri Donkey) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I mentioned that May-chan and Daddy planted some tulips in the front yard on this article, but I have an update about them today. 




We check them everyday, but found out something very unexpected yesterday!!




Can you see it? The bud was getting bigger well, but completely disappeared!!



Andy said that he assumed that probably wild deer ate them, but I even didn't imagine that they would eat tulips!
(Andy and I have kind of wanted to make a garden in our yard for a while, but it'd be a lot of work to protect the yard from wild deer, so we haven't started it yet.)  




Fortunately? 3 out of 8 buds survived from the deer attack and I hope that the 3 survivers will bloom pretty flowers soon. 



Okay, let me share my Japan trip diary here again. 




The last day of January was a super productive day for me. 




Afer we visited Yasaka shrine, we walked to the main destination of the day. 




On the way to the destinaton, we saw this looooong cue like this. 



京の米料亭 八代目儀兵衛
My mom told me that it's a Japanese restaurant which delicious rice was famous.




Here's it. This was the main event of the day. A commedy theater owned by the most famous commedy agency in Japan. 



I actually got to know about them opening a new theater in Kyoto while watching YouTube in MN, so "Why not? I wanna go and see a desent comedy show there if I can!!" thought I. 




When I talked to my mom about my little dream, she said, "I wanna go too!" and also my sister, Skatch, was off that day, so why not? 3 of us made the fun plan. 



The open time was 11:30am, but we got there around 11am, 



You can check all the comedians and actors playing on the day on their website beforehand, which is very nice. So, we picked up a day when some of our favorites were playing. 



They performed some Manzai (Japanese stand-up talk by duos or trios) and also one theater play too. 




My mom was especially looking for this duo, Milk boy, and I was excited to see this actress, Tamayo Shimada. 




They actually had a lot of good deals depending on the month and in January they were doing, "When your birth month is January, you can get the half price off!" and "If you're a resident of Japan, you can get 500yen ($5) off!" So, I used the deal and could get my ticket with 1400yen ($14) and my mom and sister got 500 yen off!! (Lucky us!!)




It was a very tight space, but they had a souvenior shop at the front door. 




So, I got a sticker of Unabara Yasuyo&Tomoko (A famous Manzai sisters) so that I could put it on my orange suitcase. LOL




The size of theater was not that big, so it's pretty nice that you can see the players so close. 




I'd been to see a commedy play at another famous theater, but it was my first time to see this agency's one. Also, it was my first time to see Manzai in person. (I'd seen Manzai a million times on TV though.) 



Anyways, I enjoyed it a lot. 




All the Manzai duos were great and funny, but I personally liked Fujisaki market and Suehirogarizu most. 




In the theater play, the leader, Succhi-san, was improvising a lot, which was so funny. It was definitely a vibe that you couldn't feel just by watching TV and I  really liked to see my favorite actress, Tama-chan, playing very well too. They gave me much energy.




Okay, this is all about the main event of the day, and I was very pleased. 




Thank you for reading again!!!




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