[Gyūdon] Matsuya - Chigasaki Branch (松屋・茅ヶ崎店)

Matsuya - Chigasaki Branch (松屋・茅ヶ崎店)

After the Shkmeruli Hot Pot Dish, based on a Georgian cuisine, Matsuya, one of the major gyudon (beef bowl) restaurant chains, has just come out with Polish Mielony Hamburg Steak:

Polish Mielony Hamburg Steak (ポーランド風ミエロニィハンバーグ)

Normal operating hours:
4:00 ~ 2:00

Acceptable payment methods besides cash:
Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, UnionPay, Suica, PASMO, Kitaca, taica, manaca, ICOCA, SUGOCA, nimoca, HAYAKAKEN, iD, Rakuten Edy, nanaco, QUICPay, PayPay, LINE Pay, QUO Pay, AEON Pay, au Pay, mercari Pay, Bank Pay, Jcoin, Alipay

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