As Part 2 of Rika's story at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), this post shed light of how Covid_19 - which has had an immense impact of every aspect of our lives - has changed her life in Boston and her thoughts on it. Thanks for taking a look!



(Rika in the HKS courtyard HKS中庭にて)








(前回の記事・・・留学準備からプログラム内容まで last post on preparation and HKS program)

<<Part 2: コロナ禍で自分に何が出来るかを問う − Ask what you can do during this pandemic->>

(Hiro) そんな中、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大がまさに起こったかと思うのですが、ハーバードでの生活はその後どう変わったのでしょうか?

(Rika) まず、3月中旬から授業が全てオンラインになりました。また、学生有志で企画していたトレックなどのイベントが全面的に中止になりました。私もハーバードの学生を日本に連れていくジャパントレックを企画していたのですが、直前に中止にせざるを得なくなってしまい、一生懸命準備をしてきたので残念ではありました。



(Hiro) The pandemic has spread around the country and the world – how did it change your life at Harvard?

(Rika) It completely changed my school life. All classes have switched to online since the mid-March. Student-led events such as treks had all been cancelled. I was organizing Japan trek, but we had to cancel it as well. Since we prepared for the trek a lot, it was shame to cancel it at the last minute.
              Regarding the online learning, there are pros and cons. I still have interactive discussions in class on Zoom. I sometimes find online learning more efficient in acquiring knowledge as good as in-person learning. In the spring term, I took more courses than I planned since I saved my time to go back and forth between school and home. That was super productive. However, I feel that it is hard to share the atmosphere, feel a sense of unity in the classroom, get to know each other by running into them after class, and make sure everyone maintaining stable access to the Internet.

              Currently, we are not allowed to enter school buildings without a permission, and only small number of people can get together with social distancing outside. Some students in the class of 2020 went back to their home countries before graduation, and some of my classmates also moved out of Cambridge. There are still as many seminars in online as before the COVID-19 outbreak, but it’s a pity that we cannot share space together. Anyway, Harvard reassured us that it has been improving online learning environment for students, so we’ll see how it goes.   


(Hiro) オンライン授業と言えば、7月上旬にアメリカの移民税関捜査局(ICE)がオンライン授業のみの学生にはビザを停止すると表明して大きな問題になりましたよね。

(Rika) はい、7/6にトランプ大統領からツイッターで” SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!”という表明が突如なされたのですが、その少し前にハーバード大学がフルリモートにすることを発表していたので、私達学生は大混乱でした。大学からは米連邦移民局からの指令が出た直後に「情報収集次第また連絡します」という一報が流れたのですが、他の学校は対面とオンラインのハイブリッドにするという発表を次々にしており、「うちの大学もハイブリッドを検討してくれるのかな?」と思っていたら、7/8の早朝に、何と「連邦政府を訴えました」という連絡が来たんです!どうやら連邦移民局への大学の書類提出が7/15締切だったので、その前に何かしら手を打ちたいということだったようなのですが、1週間本当に気が気ではありませんでした。ハーバード大学は、MITと一緒に訴訟の先陣に立っていたので、学生に大してはハイブリッドとか対面にしますという宣言は訴訟の結果が出るまでは出来なかったのだと思います。


(Hiro) Speaking of online learning, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency(ICE) issued guidance that would revoke visas for students who are going to take exclusively online courses in the fall, which was faced with a lot of pushback. Could you tell me a little about it?

(Rika) On July 6, President Trump suddenly tweeted “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!,” which made us so confused, because most of the Harvard graduate schools already announced that it would be offering an entirely online instruction in the fall. The university sent us an e-email that said “We will be in touch again as soon as possible with another update” right after the ICE issued the order. While other universities announced that they would provide a hybrid instruction one after another, I was hoping Harvard would pursue a hybrid instruction too. However, on July 8 early in the morning, I was informed that Harvard, with MIT, sued the federal government! I understood that Harvard wanted to take an action as soon as possible since the ICE required universities to submit their instruction plan for the fall by July 15. I also realized that since Harvard took an initiative in the lawsuit, it could not refer to hybrid instruction publicly before the outcome of lawsuit. I had been really anxious for almost a week until I heard the ICE eventually backed off on its rule.

              Students swiftly responded to this issue too. For example, HKS student government distributed a questionnaire to students on how this rule would hurt their study plans and drafting a sample of letters to congressmen and congress women. I also shared my story to the school, sent out a letter to congressmen and congresswomen, and the Harvard President. I thought of this series of actions as “Harvard way of leadership” – which means standing up against whatever they believe bad for public and changing the tide of the world for the better. The lawsuit resulted in a revocation of the ICE order on July 14, but we should keep in mind that incoming students who are going take courses exclusively online are still not be allowed to get their visas, which remains problematic.


(Hiro) そうしたOnce-in-a-lifetimeな留学を通じて、「新しい自分」を発見する機会もありましたか?

(Rika) 私は日本にいた時は世の中で起こっている課題について自分の意見を積極的に発信するタイプではなかったんです。ただ、アメリカに留学してから意識して積極的に発信する努力をしています。それは逆にそうしないと周りの人も私がどういう人間で、どう接したらいいか分からないと思うからです。授業では自分の考えをいうことがスタートで、多くの場合は失敗しても何も失うことはないはずです。そうしたアウトプットをできるように、普段から自分なりに何でも疑問を持って調べたり、授業、グループワーク、日々の生活から多くのことを吸収できるよう頑張っています。コロナウイルスを取り巻く現状などアメリカで暮らすにあたり楽しいことばかりではありませんが、全ての経験から多くを学んでいます。今後も、留学での学びについて私なりに発信していきたいと思っています!

(Hiro) Did you step out of your comfort zone after studying at HKS?

(Rika) When I was in Japan, I was not the type of person who expresses opinion publicly. However, I’ve been trying to share my opinion here in any opportunities because in the US people appreciate my insights. In most cases, speaking up is just a starting point, and there is nothing to lose. I made an effort to explore interesting issues and take everything from everyday lectures and everyday life here. Although it is challenging for me to go through difficulties due to COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been learning a lot from all experience I have had. I am privileged to have this unique opportunity and I’m going to share what I’ve taken from these days in my own way.



(Rika) HKSのキャッチフレーズとして「Ask What You Can Do」というのがあるのですが、その通り人任せにしないで自分たちで能動的に動く人達が非常に多いことが印象的でした。コロナの感染拡大の中でも地域のホームレスの人を助けようとしたり、学部生で寮に住めない人のサポートを実際に考えて行動に移したり、オンラインでの授業の中でこれまでのように学生同士や教授との交流を続けていくための効果的な方法を考えて大学側に提案したり…「誰かがやってくれる」という考えで、指示待ちだったり他人任せにしたり、「決まったことだから仕方ない。」と簡単に諦めたりしないのは本当に良いことだと改めて感じました。

(Hiro) What else do you want to mention about your study abroad life at HKS?

(Rika) Just like “Ask What You Can Do,” which is the HKS motto, fellow students take a proactive lead rather than act passively. For example, in the midst of this pandemic, some took actions to help the homeless, others devised support plans for undergrad students who could not continue to live in the dormitory and put them into action, or submitted proposals to the university on how to effectively stay in touch with each other. Their initiative inspires me, since they are completely opposite from those who do not act unless told to do so – the “someone will fix it” mindset.  “Ask What You Can Do” encourages me to make a difference in the world.


("Ask what you can do" at HKS エントランスに掲げられるHKSのミッション)


(Hiro) 話題は変わるのですが、夏季期間のインターンの経験についてもシェアしていただけますか?

(Rika) 客員研究員という立場で、ワシントンDCのシンクタンクで日米の先端技術政策の研究に従事しました 。シンクタンクを選んだ理由としては、日本と比較して、アメリカではシンクタンクが政策立案及び決定に与える影響が大きいと聞いて興味を持ったからです。シンクタンクの影響力の大きさについては、直接的には米国では政権交代時に政府とシンクタンクを行ったり来たりする人材交流があることが大きいのでしょうが、実際に働いてみて、日本のシンクタンクはリサーチが中心ですが、米国では日頃から頻繁にセミナーを開催したり、Twitterなどのソーシャルメディアで意見発信を続けることにより、間接的にも政策のキーパーソンや広く世論に影響力を与えているのではないかと思いました。また、HKSで学んだ内容は外交政策のリサーチ時にポリシーメモ作成でまさにスキルを使いました。この機会を通じて、ワシントンDCのシンクタンクでのインターンを通じて、アメリカにおいてアカデミアと実際の政治がどういう風につながっているのか分かったこと、またHKSで学んだ外交政策などの知見が実務で活かせたことは大きな収穫でした。

(Hiro) How did you spend your summer?

(Rika) I worked for a think tank in D.C. as a visiting researcher, focusing on emerging technology cooperation between the US and Japan. The reason why I chose to work for a think tank is because I wanted to know the reason why think tanks in the U.S are much more influential in policymaking compared to those of Japan. The movement of personnel from the federal government to think tanks vice versa would directly help them influential. In addition, I thought that research fellows at think tanks keep sharing their insights through public seminars and on SNS, which makes think tanks influential to key policymakers and general public. This summer experience gave me an opportunity to put the knowledge of foreign policy that I learned at HKS to good use and learn the D.C. policy universe.  


(Hiro) では最後に、留学に行きたいけど踏み出せない、迷っている…そんな方々への応援のメッセージを是非お願いします!

(Rika) 留学中は一時期仕事を離れることにはなりますが、その投資は確実に返ってくると思います。留学により、卒業後の人生の可能性が広がることはもちろん、世界中に生涯の友だちが作れ、視野を広げて自分の成長を追求することができます。日本やその他の国で世の中に良い影響を与えるために行ってきたことは、必ず世界でも通用すると思いますので、ぜひ自信を持って挑戦していただきたいと思います!


(Hiro) Last but not least, please share your message to those who want to study abroad but has yet to take a step forward!

(Rika) I believe that the investment for studying abroad is worth it. Studying abroad enables us to broaden our professional career opportunities, make life-long friends from around the world, and pursue our personal growth with a broad perspective. I believe that what you’ve done to make a difference in Japan or somewhere else will definitely be an asset for everyone around the world. You are qualified. Believe in yourself!

              If you are interested in applying to the HKS, HKS admissions blog would be helpful to know HKS life and admission process.  



Rika, thank you so much for sharing your experience at HKS, especially in this difficult time! I am also inspired by your story, and now fully motivated to share more inspiring episodes like yours. So please check out this blog on a regular basis!





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