English below.
猫の集会では どんな話し合いが
Lately, I've noticed a group of ginger cats congregating near my home. I can't help but wonder what kinds of conversations they might be having during their little meetings...
Blog ranking
YouTube からも情報諸々発信中
A plethora of information is also being shared on YouTube.
NZ Real Estate Development
歌って みた・踊ってみた!?動画
Hiroko Jenny 監督作品
Hiroko Jenny directs captivating singing and dancing videos featuring "Poupelle of Chimney Town" sung in Maori, English, and Japanese.
ドラマ 結構犬も好き Vol 1
Hiroko Jenny 監督・脚本・演出・編集
Drama: "We Kind of Like Dogs Too Vol. 1" helmed by Hiroko Jenny, who serves as the director, scriptwriter, and editor.
ドラマ 結構犬も好き Vol 2
Hiroko Jenny 監督・脚本・演出・編集
In Drama: "We Kind of Like Dogs Too Vol. 2," Hiroko Jenny takes on the roles of director, scriptwriter, and editor.