English Collection



2024年05月15日 | 英単語
Toshikazu Kawaguchiの小説 "Before the Coffee Gets Cold Tales from the Cafe" を読んでいます。

By chance, they entered the same university and became teammates. Gohtaro was a fullback while Shuichi was a fly-half. The fly-half, identified by the number 10 on his back, is the star player in rugby. He is like the fourth player in the batting order or a pitcher in baseball, or the striker in football. Shuichi was amazing as a fly-half, and he earned the nickname Shuichi the Seer because his plays during matches were like miracles – players even remarked that it was as if he could see into the future.

若い頃、三十代の前半までラグビーをしていたし、今でも見るスポーツではラグビーが一番と思っている私ですが、ラグビーの十番は少なくとも日本ではスタンドオフと言い、"fly-half" は聞いた事がありません。辞書を見ます。

・Wiktionary: (rugby) A rugby player who is normally the first receiver of the ball from the scrum half after a scrum; a half-back.
Synonyms: outside half, stand-off half, stand-off, out-half, first five-eighth


Names of positions
The various positions have changed names over time, and many are known by different names in different countries. Players in the flanker positions were originally known as "wing forwards", while in the backs, "centre three-quarter" and "wing three-quarter" were used to describe the outside centre and wing respectively (although the terms are still sometimes used in the Northern Hemisphere) The names used by World Rugby tend to reflect Northern Hemisphere usage although fly-half is still often known as "outside-half" or "stand-off" in Britain, and "outhalf" in Ireland. In New Zealand, the scrum-half is still referred to as the "half-back", the fly-half is referred to as the "first five-eighth", the inside centre is called the "second five-eighth" and the outside centre is simply known as "centre". In America and Canada the number 8 is known as "8-man".

なるほど、しかし日本では、"fly-half" は使われていないですね。ちなみに私は、"scrum-half" でした。
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camp way / moi

2024年05月14日 | 英単語
Toshikazu Kawaguchiの小説 "Before the Coffee Gets Cold Tales from the Cafe" を読み始めました。

‘Hey, hey! Whose sandwiches did you say were yucky?’ It was Nagare, the cafe’s owner and Miki’s father. Miki’s mother Kei was no longer with them. She had a weak heart and passed away after giving birth to Miki six years ago. ‘Oops-a-daisy, well, darlings, I think moi will go now,’ said Miki in her camp way. She bowed her head to Kyoko and scampered off to the back room. ‘Moi . . . ?’ Kyoko looked at Nagare as if to ask, Where did she learn that? Nagare shrugged. ‘Beats me.’ Giving a sideways glance at Kyoko and Nagare, Yohsuke started poking at Kyoko’s upper arm.

"camp way" の "camp" は日本語にもなっているキャンプとは全く関係がなさそうです。 "moi" も聞いたことの無い単語ですが、それを聞いたKyokoの反応、‘Moi . . . ?’に疑問符が付いていることから、余り使われる言葉ではないようです。まず "camp" から調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: If you describe someone's behaviour, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing, often in a way that is thought to be typical of some gay men.: James turns in a delightfully camp performance.
・Merriam-Webster: a style or mode of personal or creative expression that is absurdly exaggerated and often fuses elements of high and popular culture: a movie that celebrates camp
・American Heritage Dictionary:
n.: Deliberate affectation or exaggeration of style, especially of popular or outdated style, for ironic or humorous effect: "Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence" (Indra Jahalani).
adj.: 1. Showing or characterized by camp: played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect.
2. Given to or characterized by exaggerated, effeminate mannerisms.
さて、"moi" の方は、

・Oxford English Dictionary: me: ‘Did you eat all the biscuits?’ ‘Who? Moi?’
・Cambridge English Dictionary: used instead of "me", to express false surprise about something that you have been accused of: Extravagant, moi?
・Wiktionary: (humorous or sarcastic, often used questioningly to express mock surprise) Me.: Don't you be so cheeky. — Cheeky? Moi?

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powder kegs

2024年05月13日 | 英単語
The Japan Times Online, April 10, 2024の記事タイトル・サブタイトルを引用します。

How to stop the dominoes of war from falling in East Asia
Conflicts elsewhere have implications for East Asia's powder kegs — the Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula.

"keg" からはビールなど液体の入った樽を連想しますが、"powder" は液体ではないし? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: a dangerous situation that may suddenly become very violent: We're sitting on a powder keg of tension in the city.
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe a situation or a place as a powder keg, you mean that it could easily become very dangerous.: Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.
・Vocabulary.com: keg (usually made of metal) for gunpowder or blasting powder; a potentially explosive state

"powder" はここでは元々 "gunpowder or blasting powder" を意味していたのですね。
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get into the groove

2024年05月11日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 3・4月合併号の記事 "Let's DANCE!" からの引用です。

Wearing all black and sitting on a tufted white ottoman in her sunlit living room, Sarah Robichaud is teaching a routine inspired by modern ballet to 80 students on Zoom. The Bolshoi-trained dancer spreads her arm wide in exaggerated movements to a slow cover of The Proclaimers' "I'm Gonna Be (500 miles)" as her students get into the groove.

"get into the groove" の項目はありませんでしたが、"groove" の項で次の説明がありました。

・Wiktionary: (dated, informal) A good feeling (often as in the groove).
・Urban Dictionary: have passion about doing something and feel motivated to get it done: get into the groove of writing this paper
・Vocabulary.com: A groove is an indentation or rut in something — like the grooves on an old record.
Groove is rooted in an old Dutch word for "furrow" or "ditch." And that's just what a groove is: a carved out line, like wheel ruts in a muddy road or the narrow opening that a sliding door moves in. If you can't "find your groove," you feel off track and out of whack. But when you're "in the groove," everything is working smoothly and you've found a good routine. And if someone says "let's groove!", they want to dance.

溝の意味は知っていましたが、"in the groove" の意味も覚えましょう。
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pulled that off

2024年05月09日 | 英単語
多和田葉子氏の小説 "Scattered All Over the World" を読んでいます。

I wanted to tell Miss Hammer all kinds of things about Fukui. One of the words iiza and nayza in Fukui dialect to help them remember the English words "either" and "neither." The whole class looked a little shocked when I pulled that off. But I was more surprised than anyone.

英語は難しい単語だけではなく、簡単な単語の組み合わせの表現も難しいと感じます。 "pulled that off" の意味を辞書で調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: to succeed in doing something difficult: We pulled off the deal.
・Collins Dictionary: to perform successfully, esp. something requiring courage, daring, or shrewdness: We'll be rich if we can pull the deal off
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected: The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.

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